World of Media-2018. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. Issue №4.

The issue was published in 2018 by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.



Ragnedda, M., Kreitem, H. (2018) The three levels of digital divide in East EU countries. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4. 5-26.

This article brings to light significant insights into the three levels of digital divide in the particular setting of East EU. It discusses and analyses indicators related to the spread and use of the Internet (first level of digital divide), the level of digital skills (second level of digital divide), and digital services used by citizens in East EU countries to improve their quality of life (third level of digital divide). The article specifically focuses on the third level of digital divide, by analysing, on a macro level, three tangible outcomes, namely eGovernment service completion and use, eHealth in terms of seeking health related information and interacting with practitioners online, and eCommerce. Data from Eurostat, including digital scorecard and other reports, showed clear discrepancies among countries of East Europe, as well as distinct difference between some countries and overall European Union averages, suggesting the existence of two groups of countries, one as high performance in terms of services offered and high growth in terms of use, and the second is at medium performance in terms of services offered, and low in terms of growth and use.

Key words: Digital inequalities, digital inclusion, digital development, digital divide

Received: 14.10.18

Accepted: 12.11.18


Raja, I. (2018) Old conflict, new perspective: Power shift in the news from Gaza. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4. 28-50.

This study draws upon in-depth interviews conducted with the leading scholars, journalists, anti-war campaigners and peace activists commissioning the new media tools including Skype. Notably, it brings about eye-witness accounts of the Gaza conflict as some of the participants have survived the Israeli assault on aid-ship Freedom Flotilla (Mavi Marmara). In this sense, it offers firsthand descriptions and the experience of consuming and resisting new media technologies. This analysis shows that most journalists are compelled to be cautious in reporting Israeli actions inside the occupied territory (Gaza). Further, media coverage of Gaza reflects a disproportionate reporting because most sections of the mainstream media include soundbites and opinions of writers that endorse the Israeli government propaganda. In contrast, the evidence shows that media systematically excludes the progressive voices including the Jewish scholars and campaigners. Thus, too often, news emerging from Gaza mainly through the mainstream media is either biased or manufactured. This state of affairs stimulates ordinary people; be they peace activists, campaigners, or scholars to make use of alternative means of communications and news dissemination that is the new media. However, this study finds that new media has transformed the Gaza conflict to an extent that Europe has more Palestinian sympathizers than ever before. Despite, perceptible progress and achievement, the new media is facing a threat that comes from the powerful political elites and the large media corporation. Arguably, new media sites such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are icons on a switchboard where the push buttons lie under the fingertips of powerful elites, be they the governments or media conglomerates.

Key words: Gaza conflict, new media, propaganda, news reporting

Received: 24.10.18

Accepted: 29.11.18


Svitich, S., Smirnova, O., Shkondin, M. (2018) Newspapers and magazines of Russian million cities: Role in media system, main peculiarities, factors of development. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4. 52-69.

The article presents the results of a sociological study that analyzes the media system of some of the largest cities in Russia. The research is emphasized on 13 cities with a population of over one million people. It details the place of printed media among all others and highlights relevant structural, thematic and functional characteristics of this exact type of media. The study, which involves more than 400 newspapers and magazines, provides a detailed analysis of all the main demographical, economic, social and cultural forces that form the media system of these cities. This makes it possible to identify the average structural model of the modern press in million cities.

Key words: Media system of million cities, Russian mass media, newspapers and magazines, urban press

Received: 11.09.18

Accepted: 05.11.18