World of Media-2024. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. Issue №4.

The issue was published in 2024 by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.



Vyrkovsky, A., & Krasheninnikova, M. (2024). Factors of media text traumogenicity: The role of content and context. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4, pp. 5-21. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.4.2024.1

In modern scientific discourse the connection between the consumption of traumatic media content and the psychological state of the audience is, in principle, considered proven. However, the relationship between the type of content and the context of its consumption and the strength of the traumatic impact remains much less studied. In this article, the authors present the results of a study based on an uncontrolled experiment with audience members who consumed potentially traumatizing content. The results generally prove the association of violent content consumption with increased levels of situational anxiety and, in part, increased levels of depression. Nevertheless, a very high significance of the context of consumption, as well as the specificity of the source, which can offset the traumatizing effects of media content, was revealed. The authors suggest that in future studies these factors should be taken into account when studying the impact of media content on the psychological state of the audience.

Key words: Media, content, trauma, situational anxiety, depression, media consumption, traumogenicity

Received: 11.10.24

Accepted: 20.12.24


Galkin, K., & Parfenova, O. (2024). Internet use among older people in the context of Senior Technology Acceptance Model (STAM). World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4, pp. 23-48. DOI: 10.30547/ worldofmedia.4.2024.2

There are few studies on practices and barriers of Internet use among older people in developing countries. This research identifies the main strategies of Internet use among older people and the determinants and barriers that influence these strategies in a developing country (using Russia as a case study). The empirical basis for the research is semi-structured interviews with people aged 60 and over living in Russian cities (n=40) and questionnaire survey (N=210). The questionnaire serves to triangulate data and demonstrates that the pandemic has increased the number of Internet and digital service users, with 44% of respondents noting the growing usefulness and convenience of electronic services. Using the elements of the Senior Technology Acceptance Model (STAM), we identify the determinants that influence how and why an older person starts to use the Internet, as well as define the barriers to bridging the digital divide. Based on the results of the research, we have identified four strategies of Internet use: consumption of information and entertainment; communication; use of Internet resources; refusal. In practice, users tend to combine the first three strategies. The stages from objectification (intention to use) to conversion (making the final decision to use in the future) depend on the type of Internet resource: in the case of communication and information consumption, the acceptance comes quickly, in contrast to more specialized Internet services and applications. The key determinants influencing the choice of a strategy are age, professional activities and their nature, social environment and family, and ownership of a smartphone (as a simpler and faster device compared to a personal computer).

Key words: Older people, Internet, social networks, digital divide, Senior Technology Acceptance Model (STAM)

Received: 17.10.23

Accepted: 12.07.24

Nefedova, Yu., & Anikina, M. (2024). The lexical apparatus of users’ discussions about conflict in the Internet space: The experience of empirical research. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4, pp. 49-61. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.4.2024.3

The paper presents the experience of empirical study of lexical characteristics of mass communication texts (users’ comments) in various Telegram channels related to the discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict in 2023. The article describes the approaches that exist to the formation of texts accessible for the analysis, taking into account the lexical elements used by the authors of the comments. It demonstrates the possibilities to elaborate and to implement software solutions to conduct content analytical research. The study shows that the real event in its media embodiment is significantly transformed under the influence of non-institutionalized communication participants due to the introduction into the discussion social reality elements closer to users. It is remarkable that users’ comments demonstrate the word-making practice inspired by the social and political context, realize the creative potential of users and their ability to propose and to use word forms indirectly marking users’ attitude to various objects of discussion. Data obtained stress the process of power personification under the influence of the global process of mediatization that it realized in users’ perception and the conflict. The dataset lets to speak about the empathy as the trait of the participants in the discussion and about logical inconsistency of mass consciousness manifested in simultaneous usage of neutral and negative lexical units withing the frames of discussion studies.

Key words: Social conflict, media representation, Telegram channels, users’ comments, lexis

Received: 25.10.24

Accepted: 18.12.24

Baloch, R. B., & Noor, R. (2024). A semiotic study of visual signifiers depicting female AI news anchors. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4, pp. 62-82. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.4.2024.4

This research paper investigates the semiotic interpretation of signs and symbols used to portray female AI news anchors and explores the relationship between their representation in the media and the sociocultural context within the industry. The study reveals that the creators of AI female anchors strive to present them as human-like in order to establish a psychological connection with the audience and minimize cognitive dissonance. The analysis demonstrates that the physical attributes and personality traits of female AI news anchors play a significant role in their popularity and viewership. These AI anchors are designed with pleasant and attractive features that align with prevailing beauty standards, creating an emotional attachment among viewers. Additionally, their slim figures, intelligent eyes, and overall visual appeal have the potential to cater to the audience attention, providing media agencies with a competitive advantage. The research also highlights the cultural context of the representation of female AI news anchors.

Key words: Female AI news anchors, semiotics, media portrayal, sociocultural context, new media, China, Kuwait, India, Pakistan

Received: 12.07.23

Accepted: 29.05.24