World of Media-2023. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. Issue №1.

The issue was published in 2023 by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.



de Albuquerque, A. (2023). Towards a multipolar communication international scholarship? World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 1: 5-18. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.1.2023.1

There has been mounting evidence in recent years that the world is shifting toward a more multipolar global order. From an economic perspective, for instance, non-Western countries have an increasing share of the world’s wealth. Still, the unipolar logic remains dominant in at least one domain: international scholarship. Theoretical and political perspectives that originated in the United States and, secondarily, Western Europe have typically received universal recognition. Why does this happen? This article approaches this problem from four different angles: Where does the academic unipolar order originate from? How does the unipolar order actually work? What institutions and practices support it? What challenges does the academic unipolar order present for scholars working outside the West? What is the concrete political impact of the academic unipolar order?

Key words: Unipolarity, multipolarity, international scholarship

Received: 11.12.22

Accepted: 16.02.23


Baychik, A. (2023). Reality and virtuality of the mass media space. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 1: 20-45. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.1.2023.2

The paper explores the concepts of media space, mass media space, information space, and virtual reality. In this paper, we consider different approaches to the concepts, describe the logic of the sequence of appearance of the phenomena of information, media and mass media space and reveal their common features and distinctive characteristics. Along with such new characteristics of the media space as digitalization of information, fragmentation of the media space, specialization of the audience, and hypertrophied socio-cultural significance, we distinguish virtualization of the mass media space as one of the dynamic characteristics. We consider virtualization as a means of representing the world in other dimensions and planes and as a means of orientation in the surrounding world. The final part of the paper is devoted to the consequences and capabilities of virtualization of mass media space and to the concept of virtual reality. The analyzed material of scientific developments allows us to conclude that virtual reality is a reality, ontologically grounded by a person’s desire to create an alternative world, manifests itself here and now, mainly signally, unlike the virtual reality of art, radically changes the space-time continuum and has orientation much broader in terms of impact.

Key words: Media space, mass media space, information space, virtual reality, virtualization

Received: 30.12.22

Accepted: 14.02.23

Escudero, C. (2023). Digital divide challenges of media co-ops in Argentina and Uruguay. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 1: 46-66. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.1.2023.3

This study analyzes the experiences of two media co-ops, Tiempo Argentino newspaper (Argentina) and La Diaria newspaper (Uruguay), with the aim of understanding media strategies to reduce the digital divide. These media co-ops are characterized by creating a bridge of exchange and trust with their readers, who are kept informed of the media’s actions, projects, and main decisions. We analyze the digital divide in both countries and how the media co-ops implement special methods of membership / subscriptions, along with other strategies that promote communicative feedback so that their news content and work agenda include issues that affect subscribers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight journalists from Argentina and Uruguay, and documentary material was consulted. The methodological approaches for this research are situated in a constructionist perspective, hermeneutic/dialectical, that uses methods and techniques for collecting contextual and situated information. The findings show that both media co-ops adopted strategies – in the internal organization, connection with the audience and news productions – presented as actions that promote the reduction of the digital divide.

Key words: Digital divide, media co-ops, Argentina, Uruguay, digital journalism

Received: 20.07.22

Accepted: 25.01.23

Zorin, K. (2023). Student media as a part of urban communication and an actor of inclusive place branding. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 1: 67-98. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.1.2023.4

The paper examines the participation of student media in inclusive place branding. Today, the territory is no longer viewed as a specific product, but as the place of interaction between different parties (authorities, businesses, residents, etc.). Inclusive place branding considers residents not just as brand ambassadors, but also as brand co-creators. This branding practice is consistent with increasing complexity of the city communication. Media and the variety of symbolic systems do not only construct the reality of the city, but also transmit socio-cultural experiences to the urban community. Not only various institutions (including official media), but also ordinary people participate in the symbolic exchange in the contemporary digital environment. The article presents the results of the study of 53 regular media projects created by students in 25 universities in 15 Russian cities. A content analysis of publications according to the degree of connection to the life of the territory (hyperlocal, local, regional, national themes) has shown that student media had already been involved in inclusive place branding practices.

Key words: Student media, participatory journalism, inclusive place branding, place branding, urban communication studies

Received: 09.11.22

Accepted: 15.12.22