World of Media-2019. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. Issue №2.
The issue was published in 2019 by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The 2017 dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar provided the Trump administration an opportunity to demonstrate how it would conduct foreign policy and potentially alter the diplomatic relationships established with each country by its immediate predecessors. The dispute also allowed for an examination of how The New York Times would frame the conflict. This manuscript reviews the census of stories appearing in the main news section distributed by the newspaper from the beginning of the conflict through to the end of the 2017 calendar year. The results indicate the Trump administration’s view of the conflict appeared to be simplified as a good actor and a bad actor, influenced by the president’s affinity for one of the nations. The New York Times regularly highlighted the mistakes it believed the White House was making in addressing what it saw as a more complex dynamic between the two Middle Eastern nations.
Key words: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Middle East, framing, newspaper coverage, New York Times.
Received: 10.03.19
Accepted: 22.04.19
Pachina, A., & Popova, A. (2019) The review of ‘mining’ in Russian media // World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 2: 29-44.
In 2017, there was a sharp increase in the number of publications on the subject of ‘mining’ in Russian non-core media, which indicates the increased interest among non-professional audiences. This study relates the practice of mining crypto-currencies to the category of ‘unobtrusive’ issues. It gives the media the role of translator, which shapes public opinion. The purpose of this work is to identify the context in which the discussion about the ‘mining’ in noncore Russian media is immersed. Based on different sources, we conducted a quantitative content analysis and used joint mentions of categories on the topic of ‘mining’ to build the network analysis. Moreover, interviews with ‘miners’ were used for more correct interpretation. The results showed that the non-core Russian media pay close attention to the category of ‘regulation’ of ‘mining’, which is most often mentioned with the Central Bank and the President. Besides, the geographical specifics of ‘mining’ are focused mostly on Moscow, Moscow region, the cities of Siberia and some foreign countries (the USA, China). The analysis also showed that the presence and tightness of category links in the subject of ‘mining’ have common features with the concentration of Bitcoin nodes.
Key words: Mining, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, discussions in the media, economics in the media, network analysis, network of mutual mentions.
Received: 23.03.19
Accepted: 29.05.19
Antonopoulos, N., Karyotakis, M., Kiourexidou, M., & Veglis, A. (2019) Media web-sites environmental communication: Operational practices and news coverage // World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 2: 44-63.
In contemporary world, it is estimated that there are 1,838,596,056 sites across 214,036,874 unique domain names and 7,290,968 web-facing computers. The huge power consumption of these online services has serious consequences regarding the environment. The web-sites, along with the web tools, need electrical power to operate. Thus, environmental problems such as global warming, air pollution, natural resource depletion, and acid rain are worsening. Consequently, this study researched five hundred news web-sites including well-known international news organizations in order to understand if they choose to cover environmental news, if they take action to protect the Earth’s habitat by operating through renewable sources, by using the black colour in their graphic design or energy saving mode, and by organizing actions in favour of the environment. The findings of this original research revealed that almost none of the prominent news web-sites of the world seem to care about changing their web-sites in order to become environmentally friendly.
Key words: Environmental news, web-sites, global warming, online journalism.
Received: 20.02.19
Accepted: 14.05.19
Rahman, M. (2019) Impact of social networking sites on sleeping habits: A case of university students in Bangladesh // World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 2: 63-80.
This study discusses the influences of social networking sites (SNSs) on the sleeping habits of students from two public universities in Bangladesh; until now, there hasn’t been any study, which has looked into this issue in the context of students in Bangladesh. Primarily, the study is qualitative in nature, skillfully supplemented by quantitative data, collected through interviews (about 200) and focus group discussion (FGDs) (with about 48 participants). The findings of the study suggest that most of the students addicted to using social networking sites, sleep late into the night, indicating thereby that SNSs do have an impact on the traditional ‘sleeping time’, which in turn could be detrimental to the health and study of university students in Bangladesh.
Key words: Social networking sites (SNSs), public university, sleeping habit, students, Bangladesh.
Received: 17.03.19
Accepted: 26.05.19