World of Media-2018. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. Issue №3.
The issue was published in 2018 by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Although ‘go-social’ becomes an important part of the public’s daily life in China, online users suffer from information overload increasingly when they get exposed to different online contents shared through various social media communication channels today. To compete on digital audience’s attention and increase online communication effectiveness, online influencers are commonly employed by communication practitioners. However, questions like how powerful online influencers are and to what extent digital audience can be motivated by online influencers have not be answered appropriately. Hence, a 2x2 online experiment was used in this pilot study to identify how the use of online influencer endorsement with various social powers affected virtual audience’s response toward the message and their decision-making. A total of 86 participants were voluntarily recruited from mainland China. The study indicated that the use of referent power and expert power could positively predict virtual audience’s perception toward the promotional message. However, if online campaign would like to call for action and influence audience’s behavior, the use of online influencers with expert power could be more effective than that with referent power.
Key words: Online communication, online influencers, opinion leaders, electronic word-ofmouth, referent power, expert power, communication effectiveness
Received: 17.03.18
Accepted: 16.05.18
The article is devoted to examining the condition of the regional television in modern Russia within the framework of digitalization of broadcasting and multimedia development. The mosaic, syncretic nature of television can be considered using the method of morphological analysis which was developed in one of our previous works (Miasnikova, 2010). While a weekly programme grid (theoretically, but not always in practice) is viewed as a stable system of programming elements, a real TV programme looks like a constantly changing set of broadcasting units that is created based on characteristics of human perception, daily needs of the audience, in accordance with the policy of channel programming, as well as the business interests of its founders and owners. This set is in constant motion while a television programme exists as the main unit of TV broadcasting. This paper analyses, how the regional TV content has been specifically transformed lately under the influence of the processes directed towards the development of multimedia platforms. Obviously, in the near future there will be a radical reformatting of all regional Russian television. One of the ways to solve the problem is to take advantages of multimedia. The paper studies the successful experience of collaboration of the TV company ‘Studio 41’ with the Internet channel ETV in Yekaterinburg (Russia) and gives a recommendation for purposeful training of specialists (including television journalists) in the multimedia sphere.
Key words: Regional television, TV content, syncretism, morphological analysis, multimedia
Received: 04.04.18
Accepted: 09.06.18
Chobanyan, K. (2018) Shift to political topics as the main content strategy of American cable news. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 3. 39-52.
The content strategies of American 24-hour news channels are undergoing significant transformations in the digital environment. While TV so far remains one of the most preferred news sources for Americans, it still has to find the new ways to attract and to keep the audience (especially younger audience). One of the transformation trends that proved to be successful for cable news has been the shift to mostly political coverage. The author focuses on the highest rated prime time cable shows and explores the extent of political items and strategies of their presentation.
Key words: 24-hour news channels, political news, channel brand, American cable news, prime time cable shows, anchor role, digital environment
Received: 13.06.18
Accepted: 02.08.18